Medical science popularization

Is It a disease that always feel sleepy

According to a survey by the World Health Organization, about one-third of people worldwide suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders. Sleep problems can lead to neuroendocrine disorders, causing depression, anxiety, tension, and other emotions; People with sleep problems have a 2 to 3 times higher risk of heart disease than normal people. Sleep problems can induce hypertension, diabetes and other diseases. People with long-term insomnia have a higher mortality rate. According to a survey, life stress and work stress are the biggest causes of their sleep problems, accounting for 57% and 56%, respectively. The reasons for the high concentration of respondents were also due to physical conditions (36%), emotional problems (47%), and emotional problems (28.2%). Being too excited after an entertainment activity is also one of the reasons. “Playing with a mobile phone for eight minutes and getting excited for an hour” is not just a statement.

When it comes to sleep disorders, many people’s first impression is insomnia. In fact, sleep disorders are a collective term for a group of diseases. According to the International Classification of Sleep Diseases, there are more than 80 types of sleep disorders caused by external or internal factors, including sleeplessness, sleeplessness, and snoring.Nowadays, many people can feel sleepy and unable to sleep at any time. Some people dream every day, having two or three dreams a night, and they can’t get up in the morning. In fact, sleeping is an effective way for organisms to save energy. The lack of energy in the body is nothing but related to three factors: too little diet, and a lack of energy intake in the body. Poor blood circulation prevents the body from effectively using energy. A large amount of energy is consumed by one part of the body, leading to the supply of energy to other tissues

Sleepiness is a common experience that most people have felt at some point in their lives. It is a feeling of drowsiness or tiredness that can make it difficult to stay awake and alert. While there are many factors that can contribute to sleepiness, including lack of sleep, boredom, and fatigue, there are also many underlying physiological and psychological processes that can cause us to feel sleepy.

One of the main causes of sleepiness is the body’s natural circadian rhythm. This is the internal biological clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. The circadian rhythm is influenced by a variety of factors, including exposure to light and darkness, and it can be disrupted by changes in routine or travel across time zones. When the circadian rhythm is disrupted, it can cause sleepiness during the day and difficulty sleeping at night.

Another factor that can contribute to sleepiness is the accumulation of adenosine in the brain. Adenosine is a chemical that builds up in the brain over the course of the day, and it is thought to play a role in promoting sleep. When adenosine levels are high, it can cause feelings of drowsiness and fatigue, and it can make it difficult to stay awake.

In addition to these physiological factors, there are also psychological factors that can contribute to sleepiness. For example, boredom or lack of stimulation can cause people to feel sleepy, as can stress or anxiety. Similarly, certain medications or medical conditions can cause drowsiness as a side effect.

There are also lifestyle factors that can contribute to sleepiness, such as lack of sleep, poor diet, and lack of exercise. When people do not get enough sleep, they can experience daytime sleepiness as a result. Similarly, consuming a diet that is high in sugar or processed foods can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels that can lead to feelings of fatigue and drowsiness. Finally, lack of exercise can contribute to feelings of sleepiness, as regular physical activity can help improve energy levels and promote wakefulness.

Here we introduce some advice to improve our sleep.

First of all, it may be a lack of exercise. I usually exercise more in the morning. I usually do 10 minutes of aerobics or rope skipping after washing in the morning, and eat after finishing. Doing more exercise can really improve my spirits. Or if I have enough time, I can take a bath in the morning, soak my feet in the evening, and take a bath at least half an hour before bed at night to prevent moisture from entering my body.

Second, don’t play with mobile phones and electronic products for at least half an hour before falling asleep, because there are too many bright spots on the screen that flash too quickly, leaving a stimulating effect on the brain. This is probably the meaning. This is also why many students are unable to concentrate in class now, because the teacher is more static in class, and the brain constantly pursues stimulation and seeks dynamic things, resulting in inattention and poor rest, This is what she said while communicating with a friend who is a psychologist.

Third, it is to reduce oil and salt, and eat less salty, spicy, and heavy flavored foods. I am particularly serious when the humidity changes season, and I am in a trance. I am afraid of being blown down by a gust of wind when walking on the road. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, I will scrape the skin. Usually, I cook more job’s tears porridge to remove moisture. I make breakfast with 2 bags of yam job’s tears powder soaked in milk every day, and eat and absorb it better in the morning.

In conclusion, there are many factors that can contribute to feelings of sleepiness, including disruptions to the circadian rhythm, accumulation of adenosine in the brain, psychological factors, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors. While occasional sleepiness is a normal part of life, chronic sleepiness can be a sign of an underlying health issue and should be addressed by a healthcare professional. By understanding the underlying causes of sleepiness, we can take steps to promote wakefulness and improve our overall health and well-being.


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