Medical science popularization

Protect teeth and keep our oral health

Oral disease is one of the most common health problems in the world, and the most common oral diseases include dental caries, periodontal disease, and so on. Most adults and nearly 90% of children in the world are more or less troubled by oral diseases. The “World Oral Health Day” advocated by the World Dental Alliance aims to remind us that teeth are not only a tool for chewing and eating, but also closely related to our overall health. As the so-called “disease comes from the mouth”, many incorrect living habits are causing bacteria to enter the body through the mouth, which is also the culprit of causing dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and related gastrointestinal diseases. The goal of the World Health Organization for oral health is to maintain at least 20 functional teeth by the age of 80, that is, the concept of “8020”. Can you do that? According to the latest survey results, more than 80% of oral diseases can be avoided. Which means as long as you learn to love your teeth and protect your mouth intelligently, you can stay away from the annoying drill sound in the hands of dentists and easily save a large amount of health expenses!

In some community hospital, we often hear such conversations: “I need to wash my teeth, pull out two teeth, and wear braces…” “Me too. If only I had come to see the doctor earlier. If only I had brushed my teeth carefully.” Teeth inlay… repeated visits are unbearable. Because they do not know oral health knowledge, they have many oral problems and do not know how to maintain oral health. Every time I come to see a doctor, the doctor repeatedly emphasizes paying attention to oral hygiene and doing oral care well, but the implementation is somewhat inadequate.However, is it really difficult to keep out oral healthy?

Master the correct brushing method. According to the recommendation of “Pasteur brushing method”, 6 points should be paid attention to in the correct brushing method. “It is best to brush your teeth from the right, and for people with a left hand, it is best to start from the left. This is to balance the cleaning effort on both sides of the teeth. After all, people are lazy, and it is convenient to work with ease, so naturally, the time of brushing with ease will exceed that of brushing with a back hand.”. 2. The toothbrush bristles are placed at the junction of teeth and gums at an angle of 45 degrees. 3. When brushing teeth, there is a small amount of horizontal tremor. 2 to 3 teeth are a group, one tooth is one tooth. Brush teeth from front to back and from back to front. Do not wash the teeth from front to back, left to right, and do not use too much force. 4. Don’t forget the inside and side of the teeth. 5.The occlusal surface of teeth should also be brushed. 6.Brush your tongue, too. When everything is finished, that is the last step. Rinse your mouth well and put away your toothbrush. Of course, the most important thing is not to forget that you must brush your teeth for two minutes.

The timing of tooth brushing should be at least two times a day after getting up and before going to bed. Secondly, it is best to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after eating. About 30 minutes to 60 minutes after eating, dental plaque can form a stable attachment on the tooth surface. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone brush their teeth within 15 to 30 minutes after meals for the best effect, which can effectively prevent the formation of dental plaque and prevent the formation of dental calculus and tartar.

Proper use of toothbrushing aids. For the children who often have their teeth plugged, flossing is absolutely a skill you must master! Dental floss can help to clean the places that the toothbrush can’t reach, mainly the gap between the adjacent surfaces and teeth. Do you think it is not easy to master the floss? Let’s start with a dental floss stick!

Conduct regular general survey of oral problems.Adults should go to a regular dental hospital for oral examination at least once a year. The elderly mainly repair missing teeth and timely extraction of residual crowns and roots, while children need to find the problem of caries early and deal with the situation of uneven dentition in time. So the elderly and children should have their teeth checked every six months.

Adhere to oral care after treatment.After each treatment, you should follow the doctor’s advice to keep oral hygiene.Generally, the affected teeth should not bite hard objects, and the orthodontic patients should not bite hard and sticky food to prevent the bracket from falling off. After the removal of residual crowns and roots in the elderly, teeth should be inlaid in a timely manner to avoid affecting chewing function and normal facial morphology. After tooth whitening, try to avoid eating food that will stain the teeth, and try to use straws for drinks to avoid affecting the whitening effect.

Pay attention to different oral health care at different ages.Parents should guide children to learn the correct way to brush their teeth, and children of the right age can have pit and fissure sealing to prevent caries. Teenagers should prevent tooth injury and early correction of dentition irregularity. Women should deal with oral problems before pregnancy, because some operations and medication during pregnancy will be restricted, which may affect the health of pregnant women and babies. The elderly should repair the missing teeth in time and keep the tooth function as much as possible. Finally, let’s summarize in nine words: early prevention, early detection and early treatment. Avoid becoming the “old tooth watcher” and start from learning to self-care!

So, It is not difficult to maintain oral health, as long as we take good care of our teeth, we can protect our oral health and stay away from disease.


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