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Factors that cause depression

Depression, also known as depression disorder, is a relatively popular psychological disease nowadays. It is the main type of mood disorder with significant and lasting depression as its main clinical feature. It mainly includes: major depression, persistent depression and seasonal depression. Clinically, it can be seen that the depression of mood is not commensurate with its situation, and the depression of mood can range from sadness to grief.Clinically, it can be seen that the depression of mood is not commensurate with its situation. The depression of mood can range from depression to grief, inferiority depression, and even pessimism, and there may be suicide attempts or behaviors; Even numbness occurs; Some cases had obvious anxiety and motor agitation; In severe cases, psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions may occur. Each attack lasts for at least 2 weeks, the elderly or even several years. Most cases have the tendency of repeated attacks. Most of the attacks can be relieved, and some can have residual symptoms or become chronic

Have you ever think about the cause of depression? Here are answers:

Always think excessively. In fact, over-thinking is one of the important reasons for depression and anxiety. Excessive thinking is called ruminant thinking in psychology. Ruminating thinking refers to people’s repeated thinking about events, their negative emotions, and their possible causes and consequences after experiencing negative events. For example, “Why does this happen to me?” “Why am I often unhappy and others are happy?” “If I am often unhappy, will it lead to depression?” Other performances include indecision in making decisions, questioning and even rejecting the previous decisions after making decisions. Over-thinking not only makes us indulge in the memories of the negative events that have occurred, but also makes us worry about some problems that may not occur at all. Excessive thinking may cause depression, anxiety and other negative emotions Psychologist Anson J. Whitmer and others found that continuous excessive thinking will worsen emotions and promote negative thinking. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, a senior professor of psychology and psychiatry at Yale University in the United States, also found in a study that over-thinking is a typical feature of depression. In fact, women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men; Compared with men, women tend to over-think. Professor Nolan Hoxma explained this: “This is not a coincidence”. Professor Nolan Hoxma explained that when women experience sadness, they tend to pay attention to the possible causes and results of this emotion. On the contrary, men try to distract themselves from negative emotions, such as playing games, playing basketball, or doing some physical work directly. At the same time, when we fall into negative emotions, over-thinking will remind us of the past that resonates with the current negative emotions. In the end, the things we think about may have nothing to do with the current problems.

Always think too much. There is no problem with thinking. The problem with over-thinking is that people think that meditation on their emotions and current situation will help them better understand themselves. However, Professor Noren Hoxma believes that over-thinking will not only lead to a deeper understanding of the individual, but will magnify the event because of paying too much attention to the current emotion. Because of over-thinking, things seem more serious and more difficult to solve. Our emotions are also too tragic because of over-thinking. At the same time, people often think that the situation can be improved by thinking, and they can act better by thinking thoroughly. But in fact, over-thinking can easily give us the illusion that we are already acting or solving problems. This will cause us not to act or delay action. It is worth mentioning that people who think excessively usually do not think they are thinking excessively. Because the word “thinking” is too positive and dazzling for them, they may even actively fall into excessive thinking. Finally, he will become a giant in thought and a dwarf in action. Finally, over-thinking can easily lead to a vicious circle of despair. Although depression is easy to attract others’ attention and sympathy, it will eventually make people feel tired and far away. This “abandonment” makes the parties think: Why do they hate me? Did I do something wrong? Unfortunately, due to low self-esteem, patients with depression tend to attribute inwardly: blame negative events on their own problems, especially on some things that are difficult to change and uncontrollable, such as poor appearance, introverted personality, and poor ability. Because of the inability to change, the parties can not help falling into a pessimistic and desperate situation, and become more depressed. There is no doubt that this self-punishing negative self-attribution reinforces the vicious circle. The result is often that depression will become a kind of conditioned reflex, and only a little fuse is needed, such as a failure in an exam, rejection by others, and incomprehension by family members, which can trigger a person’s long-term depression. In fact, the duration of depression is one of the important criteria for judging depression. Transient depression is normal, but the depression lasts for several days or even weeks at a time, which has seriously hindered our daily life. This may be called depression disorder.

As for insomnia, insomnia is one of the typical symptoms of depression. According to the survey, over thinking accounts for more than 80% of the causes of insomnia. This is not surprising. Thinking too much or thinking too much will not only worsen our mood, but also keep our body in a tense state. If you have a little understanding of the sleep cycle, you must know that the initial stage of sleep is physical relaxation, slow breathing, and calm mood. Conversely, if you want to sleep, your body must relax. In addition to the traditional relaxation methods such as deep breathing and meditation, we can also directly intervene in our body with the help of external forces to relax our body and mind and quickly enter sleep.

So, the patients should maintain confidence, believe that depression can be cured, the future life will be healthy and happy.


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