Medical science popularization

Can allergic rhinitis be cured

The prevalence of the allergic rhinitis is high in the world. About 500 million people in the world suffer from allergic rhinitis, with the highest prevalence rate in western Europe, northern Europe, North America and other developed regions, generally 12% – 30%, the incidence rate is quite high. Especially during the epidemic, sneezing will cause people to look sideways, causing great inconvenience to the life of rhinitis patients.But can allergic rhinitis makes infection? The answer is can’t. Allergic rhinitis occurs after people with allergic constitution are exposed to allergens. Everyone may have different types of allergens, so there are few cases of cluster disease.

In our daily lives, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and colds are usually similar.Do you konw how to distinguish allergic rhinitis from cold?

Allergic rhinitis is a non-infective inflammatory disease of nasal mucosa with obvious seasonal characteristics. Paroxysmal sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and stuffiness are the main symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is divided into perennial allergic rhinitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis.The clinical symptoms of allergic rhinitis are mainly itchy nose, continuous sneezing, runny water and nasal congestion. Among them, continuous sneezing is a “characteristic” symptom, and patients often sneeze more than 3 times continuously. It is rare for a cold to sneeze continuously like this. In addition to nasal symptoms, many patients also have eye symptoms, including itchy eyes, tears, redness and burning eyes. In addition, patients with allergic rhinitis may have pulmonary symptoms at the same time, such as asthma, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. Some patients with severe allergic symptoms may also have skin allergic reactions, such as multiple eczema in the whole body. Howeve, a cold is usually accompanied by “fever, fatigue, anorexia, muscle soreness” and other systemic symptoms. The cold is self-limited. Even without medication, it will recover within 2 weeks. Therefore, if the nasal symptoms are not cured after more than two weeks, you should be alert that it may be “allergic rhinitis”!

Once you have typical symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as “itchy nose, continuous sneezing, runny water and mucus”, it is recommended that you take an allergen test to find the allergen.

According to the different allergens, there are three situations as follows: First, allergies caused by dust mites.This situation can be eradicated. Moreover, only rhinitis with allergen of mites has a radical cure – immunotherapy which is desensitization treatment. The commonly used clinical methods include subcutaneous immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy, but the course of treatment is longer and the cost is more expensive.Second. other clear allergens. Other allergens cannot be eradicated temporarily, but the significance of allergen monitoring is to know what you are allergic to, and then try to avoid touching or eating it in daily life, which can largely avoid the occurrence of rhinitis. Third. unclear allergen. This situation cannot be eradicated, and there is no target to avoid contact, but it can still be controlled. Just like some people are grumpy, it is impossible for them to change their character. Although they can be controlled by self-regulation, it is impossible to say that they will break out if they encounter something urgent. The same is true for rhinitis. Because the patient’s allergic constitution cannot be changed, it will recur after encountering allergens.

Why can’t we find the allergen? There are millions of allergens in life, and the number of them that can be detected using current medical testing methods is very limited. Many patients are all negative after allergen testing, and they suspect that they are not allergic rhinitis, or that allergic rhinitis can not be cured, so they simply give up which is a wrong idea.

What harm is there if you get allergic rhinitis without treatment?

1. Allergic rhinitis can cause asthma. 40% of allergic rhinitis patients have asthma, and the proportion is still very high;

2. Allergic rhinitis can lead to allergic conjunctivitis, with itchy eyes, tears, red eyes and other eye symptoms, that is, inflammation will transfer;

3. If allergic rhinitis is not treated for a long time, it can slowly develop into chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps and other diseases. This chronic disease is really difficult to treat, and some even require surgical treatment;

4. The nasal secretion of allergic rhinitis flows back to the throat, which will lead to a kind of disease with cough as the main clinical manifestation – “upper airway cough syndrome”, which is a common cause of chronic cough in children and adults in clinical practice. Many times the cough caused by rhinitis will be mistaken for chronic pharyngitis;

5. Allergic rhinitis is a common cause of adenoid hypertrophy in children and sleep apnea syndrome in children, which is also called snoring. Over time, it will affect children’s sleep and growth and development.

So, how to treat allergic rhinitis that can’t be identified? Such as rinse nasal cavity with physiological sea salt water; using enocote nasal spray,Nasona nasal spray and other famous nasal glucocorticoids; using azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray and other famous nasal antihistamines.

Eating Eucalyptus pinus enteric-coated capsule and other Oral mucus excretion promoting agent can also help the situation. Oral antihistamines should be added to patients with severe symptoms

These methods are symptomatic treatments for allergic rhinitis, whether allergens can be found or not. But if it is mite allergy, there can be a radical cure. But even so many people who are allergic to mites may not consider desensitization treatment because of economic reasons or because they can not adhere to it, so they can also use the above methods for symptomatic treatment. In addition, it is also important to strengthen physical exercise, regular work and rest and other good living habits. Strong immunity will also reduce the frequency of allergic rhinitis attacks. Properly increasing physical exercise, such as outdoor exercise and indoor fitness, can improve the body’s immune system, thereby reducing the likelihood of allergic symptoms.

So, allergic rhinitis is not terrible, but it should not be taken lightly. Active treatment can keep you away from these annoying symptoms!


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