Medical science popularization

Help your child prevent childhood obesity

Obesity has always been regarded as one of the “health killers”, and “hypertension”, “diabetes”, “coronary heart disease” and other diseases also occur in obese people. With the improvement of people’s living standards, children also have various snacks and sweets outside their meals, and their caloric intake is seriously excessive. At present, if parents do not control the food in time, children will eat too much without restraint, which also leads to more and more children suffering from the “wealth disease” of the new era – obesity. Every kilogram of meat on obese children is father’s money and mother’s “love”. What is more worrying is that obese people around the world are becoming “younger”, and the high adolescent obesity rate can not help worrying about the future of children.

According to the data in the Dietary Guidelines for some Residents, the overweight and obesity rate of children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 in some country is as high as 19.0% .This means that about one in five children and adolescents is overweight and obese.So it is urgent to alleviate the problem of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. As parents, we should also pay attention to it immediately to help children develop good living habits and have a healthy body.

So, how should we prevent childhood obesity? The following methods are worth collecting.

Change old ideas.Don’t worry about the baby’s malnutrition, and don’t worry about the baby’s too thin. Instead, you should pay more attention to the baby’s spirit, movement, vitality, and immunity. At the same time, we should strive for the support of all family members, especially correct the old idea that “the more you eat, the healthier your baby”.

Pay attention to gastrointestinal balance and control food intake. Low gastrointestinal efficiency is an important reason for overweight babies. Parents should change the habit of overfeeding the baby, stop the baby from overeating, and prevent the burden on the baby’s stomach. Don’t let your baby eat unlimited amounts of what he likes to eat, so as not to increase his stomach capacity and habitually eat more.

Nutrition balance is the key.A large part of the reason why babies are overweight is a partial diet. There are many babies who like meat, milled rice and white flour, sugar and oil, but don’t like vegetables. The food they eat has a high caloric density, and the nutrient deficiency is serious. Parents should pay attention to giving their babies a balanced diet, and try to ensure that they can obtain a balanced diet: eggs, milk, fruits, cereals, fats, and vegetables. These six nutrients should gradually cultivate the good habit of balanced eating for their babies.

Properly increase the amount of exercise for the baby Many fat babies eat more, but do not like activities.Therefore, mothers should pay attention to the balance between the baby’s diet and the amount of activity, appropriately increase the baby’s exercise time and amount of exercise, and usually can play some parent-child games with the baby.

In addition, we should also note that childhood obesity is also different for different children. Generally speaking, simple obesity accounts for the majority of obese children. However, there are still some children who are symptomatic obesity, which is caused by what we call obesity. Obesity caused by obesity is usually related to some growth and development diseases.

Symptomatic obesity has special primary manifestations. Generally speaking, if the height is significantly lower than that of normal children of the same age, or obesity is accompanied by low intelligence, genital and sexual development abnormalities, as well as hirsutism, high blood pressure, acne, etc, symptomatic obesity is common. Therefore, when helping children prevent obesity, we should not only control their diet and improve their living habits, but also pay attention to their physical and mental development.

In 2022, South Korea published a long-term clinical study. A 24 month clinical trial of weight loss intervention was conducted on 242 children with an average age of 10 years. The study was divided into four periods of 6 months, with the first 6 months of intensive weight loss intervention and the next 6 months of maintenance. The third period of 6 months was to intervene again to stimulate children’s weight loss plan, and the last 6 months was a maintenance period. The clinical trial is divided into three groups. The children in one group are only daily weight loss guidance, but also psychological counseling. They hope to mobilize the enthusiasm of children to lose weight, and then encourage children to eat five portions of vegetables and fruits every day, do not mix with sugary drinks, reduce fat intake, etc. Parents also need to receive training; The second group joined the exercise, and went to the weight-loss center for high-intensity exercise (reaching the maximum heart rate of 60-80%) three times a week for one hour each time. The rest of the days also need to exercise at home, and make exercise records; The children in the third group are one-on-one, personalized nutrition analysis and guidance, and guide the children to adjust their nutrition and diet according to their own conditions. In a two-year clinical trial, children’s weight fluctuated, but all three groups of children successfully reduced their BMI, with zBMI approaching or exceeding 3.0, with an exciting effect. Dietary adjustment combined with exercise had the best effect, with a reduction of zBMI exceeding 4.

Finally, carry out scientific intervention according to the specific situation of the child. Obese children are not necessarily children with adequate nutrition, on the contrary, they are often just malnourished obese. Moreover, obesity in childhood leads to lower bone density, and premature growth increases the risk of growing up short, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and psychological disease. Active weight loss has been proved safe in a large number of clinical studies, but it is not easy for children to lose weight successfully, which requires a lot of time to understand what healthy diet is, Control calorie intake, cooperate with exercise, and need long-term persistence to mobilize children’s enthusiasm. Parents and families need to learn and cooperate to have a chance to succeed, so that you can help your child prevent childhood obesity.


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