Medical science popularization

How to relieve anxiety insomnia

Typical anxiety insomnia is caused by anxiety mood, which leads to difficulty in falling asleep or shallow sleep, early awakening, etc. Because people slept less, they feel all kinds of uncomfortable physical symptoms the next day, including those mentioned above. Or because of an unexpected event, insomnia becomes chronic (extended to more than 3 months) , the improper handling and changes from excitement cause fear and anxiety which makes people can’t sleep well. In addition, many people also have adaptive insomnia, psychophysiological insomnia and anxiety insomnia.

The main characteristics of typical physiological and psychological insomnia and anxiety insomnia are:

  1. Excessive attention to sleep and anxiety about sleep problems;
  2. When you go to bed, you will wake up, your thoughts will fly, and you will not be controlled by your own willpower;
  3. After lying in bed, the body is tense, and you can’t relax yourself, and you can’t find the feeling of falling asleep. The Buddha has lost the instinct of sleeping. Even if you barely fall asleep, it is shallow sleep and easy to wake up;
  4. It was very difficult to relax. At the moment when you were about to fall asleep, you were forced to wake up by yourself, resulting in sweating and sleeplessness;
  5. Some people find It is difficult to fall asleep during formal sleep and planned naps, but it is easy to fall asleep when doing other monotonous or boring activities and when not planning to sleep; For example, some people feel very sleepy when watching TV in the living room. They will fall asleep on the sofa, and then become awake when they go to bed and fall asleep.
  6. Some people may sleep better or worse after leaving home.

The essential feature of this type of insomnia is the conditioned sleep disorder, which forms habitual sleep-resistant association. “Conditional reflex”, as we all know, a burnt child dreads the fire. When we have insomnia, we experience painful experiences as soon as we go to bed, and the relationship between this plan to fall asleep and obstacle factors is established. Therefore, the bedroom, bed or other sleeping behaviors become the trigger of insomnia.This kind of insomnia usually forms after an external stimulus (family death, exam failure or work pressure, etc.), and then becomes a long-term problem, which remains even after the external environment interference disappears.Without treatment, this insomnia may last for decades, and may worsen with the increase of the number of recurrences.

There is a method that does not use drugs, mainly from the following sleep restriction, sleep cognition, emotional management and relaxation training to solve insomnia, some users have made sleep completely controllable.

First of all, the first part of the solution: sleep restriction and behavior correction, laying a good foundation for the natural occurrence of sleep. Human sleep is maintained by sleep homeostasis, biological clock and short-day rhythm. This theory is relatively complex. Don’t expand on it. You just need to know that sleep homeostasis has a greater impact on sleep than biological clock and short-day rhythm. That is to say, the reason why many people take melatonin does not work, because melatonin acts on biological clock. In fact, as long as sleep restriction is in place, the effect is better than sleeping pills, and it can also be pressed Shrinking sleep improves sleep quality, which can ensure that during insomnia, although the sleep time is not long, the spirit is still good during the day. Sometimes we can’t sleep well, and it becomes very difficult when we get up in the morning. Some people struggle all night without much sleep or sleep very little, so we just want to make up for sleep in the morning, Because when you get up in the morning, you feel sleepy. In addition, you also think of various ways to make up for sleep during the day. In fact, you will find that trying to catch up on sleep is often not successful, and the more you catch up, the less uncomfortable it looks. Going to bed at night is struggling to fall asleep. So many times, we who were still very patient began to collapse, and those who were impatient began to despair – because we worked hard, but couldn’t sleep, the next day was very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, completely uncontrollable and uncontrollable. It is easy to think that we might be like this all our life, and some people would think of suicide at some moment. This is also the reason why insomnia can make people depressed. Many people with insomnia go to the hospital for examination and are identified as the cause of depression of various degrees. ​

So, what should we do about sleep restriction? This sleep restriction varies from person to person. This calculation has a certain rule, which depends on everyone’s own assessment of their sleep. The implementation of sleep restriction is the first step and the most important step out of insomnia. In fact, it is difficult for people with insomnia to understand the meaning of restriction in a short time, but they will gradually understand and appreciate sleep restriction. Only by strictly adhering to sleep restriction will there be qualitative changes. The principle of restriction can be explained as follows: sleep homeostasis can be understood as a system of balancing sleep. It is manifested in that if you lack sleep a few days ago, then as the degree of lack of sleep gradually accumulates, when this kind of sleep demand pressure reaches a certain level, even if you are more anxious and the brain is more alert, you are very easy to fall asleep. After falling asleep, the brain will first make up for the lack of deep sleep. So, what you need to do is strictly implement the sleep restriction, instead of taking sleeping pills when you can’t sleep well, and then make up for sleep. This can also well explain why your sleep will go back and forth. You often sleep well one day because you can’t sleep well for several days. So, don’t be afraid of the lack of sleep because of the restriction. Because there is a steady state, the brain will balance itself, and of course it is not controlled by the will. As long as your body has no serious disease, sleep homeostasis will be more obvious.

So it is important to stay awake during the day, but it is not to say that sleep restriction and insomnia can be solved. Sleep restriction is only a foundation. The first two or three days before the implementation of sleep restriction may be a little uncomfortable, but it doesn’t matter. As long as you persist, sleep will become better and better. General stimulation control therapy requires people to get up when they can’t sleep and go to sleep when they are sleepy. If you don’t sleep, repeat the process until you fall asleep. Little wonder that this method is effective for insomnia friends who are not too anxious. If the insomnia person has such a state of mind that he is willing to get up and wait when he cannot sleep, it can only show that his insomnia is not serious, and his state of mind is very good, and he will recover when he does not get up. This method is almost ineffective for the more anxious insomnia, but it is easy to aggravate anxiety. So, even if we can’t sleep, we’d better lie down and wait. We don’t have to get up like stimulus control. After all, people ask us to get up when we can’t sleep, so we can lie down contentedly. First, it can reduce anxiety, and second, it can increase the chance to continue to sleep. Note here that it is normal to try hard to fall asleep if you can’t control yourself. People often do something uncontrolled when they encounter problems. But when trying to fall asleep, tell yourself that trying to fall asleep is useless and has no effect. Tell yourself that sleep is natural. It’s better to lie down and wait for sleep to happen naturally.

The second part is anxiety management and cognitive correction, which can remove obstacles for the occurrence of sleep. For some anxiety – anxiety caused by some wrong sleep cognition, for example, insomnia does great harm to the body; You must sleep for 8 hours every day; Insomnia can cause sudden death; Insomnia can make your behavior out of control; insomnia leads to a decline in your quality of life, insomnia will lead to a loss of interest in everything, and so on.As long as we get the correct science popularization and find many friends with the same experience, the corresponding anxiety will be relieved. However, many people may be affected by other people’s negative problems, which will cause more anxiety.

So, no matter how you try to control sleep anxiety, it may always fail. For example, if you divert your attention, try to forget everything, completely empty yourself, or soak your feet, drink milk, listen to books, listen to white noise (rain, train, etc.), these methods may work in the short term, but they will not work well in the long term. Most people don’t know how to deal with such problems. They are trying to divert their attention or do some things repeatedly to make themselves feel better. If they have strong patience for anxiety and anxiety, they will not tangle with these things slowly. The more you try to forget sleep anxiety, the more you remember sleep anxiety.

You think you must overcome anxiety before you can fall asleep. In fact, you find that you can’t overcome it all the time, and you can’t forget it. Sleep is a matter that you have to face every day; You think you can’t sleep unless you overcome the obstacle of falling asleep. On the contrary, when you don’t want to overcome it, it doesn’t matter if you let it exist. When you are not so nervous and ready to take it for granted, you will fall asleep if you face it frankly.If you can change your mind and cognition, you will no longer be impacted by tension and anxiety, the nerves that secrete adrenaline will no longer be tense, gradually calm down, and sleep will also be stable. Finally, you will find It is very simple to get rid of insomnia. The key is that we should not pay so much attention to sleep!Breaking this strange circle is the moment when you become a Buddha. Accept everything, accept emotions, and endure all hardships. Not only can insomnia go out, but also life is a super


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